Thursday, July 28, 2005


Gonna be a bit of a vent today....

First off, I'm a little irked at my friends aka The Committee. Bill is treating everyone to an afternoon of lasertag tomorrow in honor of his bday. (It's in October but we won't go there) As it turns out, I can't go. I will be the only person on the web team in the office tomorrow. If something needs to get posted, I'm it. I thought I'd be granted the afternoon off since I'm moving tomorrow, but I was wrong. So, I can't go. Is that good enough for The Committee? NO! Well, not for most of them, anyway. They keep bugging me since I didn't want to go in the first place. Ok, so I didn't want to go when Bill first mentioned it but I got over it and I did want to go. Leave me be!

Second, I'm a little peeved about my job. I'm not really sure why. We were just given an assignment that should belong to someone else. They want to use our database and probably our money to add an enhancement for something they do. The original meeting should have included folks from our staff and didn't. One of the people in particular is really getting on my nerves. She's fairly new but acts like she knows everything. She keeps confusing me with other people and forgetting where I work. She seems to be behind a lot of confusion lately.

And, I'm still training my new backup. Almost every bit of work I receive to do, I have to turn over to him so he can learn. Well, what am I supposed to do?

In other news, I had a successful blood donation yesterday. I got dizzy a few times once I was home. Good thing I skipped the gym, huh?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Deep end

Even though it was hot as heck yesterday, we took the kids outside to the kiddie pool last night. Evan was hesitant at first. He refused sprinkler day at school on Monday. We gave him some space and got him a little wet and eventually he was all up in the pool. He cried when we took him out.

I saw "The Hulk" at the gym again last night. Damn that's funny. This guy struts around like he's so buff and he's just not.

I'm supposed to donate blood this afternoon. That will keep me out of the gym tonight. I tried to workout once after donating and I got so dizzy. And that was a light workout. If I tried to do the elliptical, I'd probably fall right off. Today's blood drive is sponsored by a local radio station. I get a t-shirt and everything. Woohoo!

The inlaws are too busy planning a funeral to come over this week. The dearly departed is Aunt Wilma and she's STILL ALIVE. She's Micah's grandfather's sister and she's about to run out of money. They're planning her funeral now, so she can pay for it. Once she runs out, she'll be declared a ward of the state and once she passes, the family will have to pay for the funeral. Aren't they sweet? Told ya they were weird. I hope I don't ever have to count on them in a time of need.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It's gettin' hot in here....

Last night leaving the gym, at 9:20, a bank thermometer read 95 degrees. 95 degrees at nearly 9:30. That's insane.

Hannah wanted to go to the playground last night after dinner. No. There will be no debate. You're not going.

When I walked out of the gym, it was literally like walking into an oven. There was zero breeze. The air was so still and so oppressive. Luckily my car had retained some of the AC and was comfortable.

It's very weird here at work. My coworker and friend has retired. Her cubicle is so empty. I was reading my book at lunch (Puppet by Joy Fielding) and I kept waiting to hear her come back from lunch and tell me how hot it was outside. This is weird. I've worked with her since day 1 - 14 years ago. I can't wait to move downstairs and then I won't notice her absence.

Yesterday when I was dropping the kids off, I was putting Evan's things in his cubby. I lost my grip on a sippy cup and it started to fall. I tried to catch it - which looked like a juggling act - I missed and it fell...onto his little friend Craig's head. Craig started wailing immediately. Evan came over like, What's up? Oh, the look Craig gave me! He calmed down a bit and I started to make my exit. Evan started to cry. 7:30 and I'd already made 2 kids cry. I was on a roll!

This morning, I saw Craig again. I made sure he was nowhere around when I put the cups in the cubby. He seems to have forgiven me, since he leaned against me and didn't give me that look again. He's lucky it wasn't a full sippy cup.

Hot as balls again today. 97 predicted degrees, real feel up around 110. Holy mackeral. Luckily, relief should come in tomorrow as t-storms.

33 days til vacation

Monday, July 25, 2005

Standard deviation

I had a very good weekend. On Friday night, I hung out with the kids and did the temporary single mom thing, since Micah works until 9.

Saturday morning, I took the kids outside for a while. I hardly ever do that and I felt SO bad about it. Once Micah got home, we packed up and headed to my mom's where the kids spent the night. We had a childless dinner out and did childless grocery shopping. We loaded the cars for Sunday's flea market and decided against the movies, especially since we wouldn't have been able to ride together.

Sunday morning we headed off to the flea market. By 7:45, we'd sold 2 items. One of them was sold before we even had the cars unloaded. We made $200, getting rid of a lot of stuff. We also picked up some stuff: an umbrella stroller, 2 Tonka trucks for Evan, and some videos for Hannah. One of our early customers wanted to pay for $5 worth of stuff with a 50 dollar bill. Micah held it up to the light and didn't see the security line. He told her he couldn't take it because it would deplete our change. She said she'd try to find change somewhere else and left. Sweet, innocent me is thinking "why would you come to the flea market with a bill that big?" Micah called her a crackhead and said that the bill was probably fake and that's why she brought it to the flea market. She figured anyone in retail would check it and see that it was fake, someone at a flea market would just take it and give her change. I said, "Honey, you're a deviant." Only a deviant mind could have come up with the real reason.

We were so smart to bring an umbrella too. We were in direct sunlight the entire day. There were poor souls out there with no umbrellas. I can't imagine how they must have suffered.

After the flea market, we unloaded, counted our cash, cleaned up, and retrieved the kids. We took them out to eat and then home to the tub. Everyone was tucked into bed nice and early, including Mom & Dad.

Friday, July 22, 2005

And the winner is...

The Committee! We won $102 at Keno today. Wow. Bill and I were the only ones really watching the screen and counting how many numbers we had. We got 5 of 6 numbers. 6 of 6 would have been $2000. We paid our check and tip from our winnings and put aside the rest for next week's games.

We're flea marketing again this weekend. Hopefull we'll make another $250. That would rock! The downside is, we have no shade this weekend. We'll be bringing an umbrella.

Amazingly enough, that's all I have to say.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's a girl!

Julia Rose was born yesterday afternoon at 3:31 Eastern time. Congrats to Jen & Don! I haven't seen a picture yet because Don hadn't been home. I told him to get the F home. I'm dying here! I can't wait to see my new little "niece". 7 lbs 8 oz, 20 inches long.

We had a "situation" here at work. I work in a very large Federal building on a huge campus. Right after lunch, I heard a siren and looked out the nearest window to see a Federal cop coming through the gate with his light bar on. A few minutes later, a coworker came by and said that she'd heard in the hall that they were evacuating the entire complex, starting with the Central Building. (Complex is divided into North, Central, and South bldgs, connected with hallways, so it's really one big bldg.) We're in the South building. The doors to Central were closed and locked. We looked out the window and saw the daycare kids in the parking lot and no cars were being allowed in or out of the complex. We then saw a firetruck coming in. We all packed up our purses just in case. Years ago, there was a gas leak and we were evacuated and many of us were unprepared to leave the building for an extended period. That won't happen again.

So, we're all wondering what's going on. No one knows and no announcements are being made. Finally, the kids go back in and cars start moving again. We're still not sure what happened. One story was a false alarm on a loading dock. Another had suspicious packages that set off the sprinklers. And yet another was a truck hitting something on the loading dock that set off the sprinklers. We may never know the truth.

This morning on the way to daycare, I hear "Guck! Guck!" coming from the backseat. Evan saw a truck. He loves trucks. He's such a boy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

These dreams

On my way home yesterday, I noticed that I had a little more than a quarter tank of gas. I start wondering when I should gas up. Before I go home, on the way to the gym, on the way home... I decide I won't feel like going after the gym, so I'll go before I go home. I have prescriptions to pick up anyway. Then I start thinking about paying for everything. Something flashes in my head that I only have $95 in my checking account. I think, what? I just got paid. How did I go through an entire check in 5 days? In my head, I can see myself doing the math with the $95, thinking that I can make it until payday. Then I'm really wondering how in the hell I managed to spend my whole check. Wait, was that a dream? I reach into the backseat and grab my purse. I pull out my checkbook and check my balance. WAY over $95. It was a dream! A dream so real that I actually started to panic thinking about how much money I'd spent.

My friend Jen was supposed to be induced this morning at 6:30! I haven't heard from her, so I'm assuming that she's currently in labor. I'm patiently waiting for an update. At her OB appt on Tuesday, she told the doc about the increasing pressure she was feeling and how she was having some trouble walking. The doc agreed to induce her. It's very exciting. I wish she didn't live 3 states away or else I'd be there with her, if she'd have me.

Did my title get the Heart song in your head? I'll bet it's there now. It's in mine.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Oh, the humidity

I got a call back from the redesign coordinator. I made her laugh with my pathetic message and she's going to take pity on me! It'll be our secret that I played hooky she said. She's my new best friend.

Everyone under the age of 18 went to bed around 7 last night. Evan went right to bed and stayed there. Hannah, on the other hand, got up about 4 times to go to the bathroom. Finally I turned her light off and told her to stay put. She stayed all night. Yahoo! I guess that's the key, turning that light off. I'll have to remember that.

There's a heat advisory for our area again today. Highs in the low 90s but with the humidity, it feels like 100+. My house is shut up tight. Blinds closed, curtains closed, attic doors closed. Yes, I often leave the attic doors open. You see, the master bedroom is the entire upper floor of our little Cape Cod. Our closet is the edge of the attic, with storage just behind the clothes. We normally just leave the closet doors open. I closed them this morning hoping there were no kitties in there. I saw kitty #2 and hoped kitty #1 was downstairs. I didn't see him downstairs so I went back up to check. Good thing I checked. He's very happy to not be spending the day in the attic.

The garbage men didn't take our trash yesterday. WTF. We pay our taxes, take our trash! Micah called the Dept of Waste or whatever and they said someone would come. The full, stinky cans are still there. They should smell really good after baking all day yesterday and today. Hey, take em Monday morning and we'll have no problems.

Here's a tidbit leftover from the weekend. Hannah saw a Chuck E Cheese coupon on Sunday morning and said she wanted to go there. Ok, we'll talk to Daddy. Talked to Daddy - fine with him. All day she talked about going to Chuck E Cheese. In the car, the whole way, talking about going to Chuck E Cheese. Why are we going this way? Is this the way to Chuck E Cheese? Are we going there first, I wanted to go there first. We pull up in front of Chuck E Cheese. This whiney voice, at the edge of a tantrum comes from the back seat, "I wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese!" A bitchy voice, pushed over the edge of a tantrum comes from the front seat, "Hannah! That's where we are!" Hannah's face brightens with a smile.

Monday, July 18, 2005

The curse of the Web Diva

I like to think of myself as pretty sharp when it comes to picking up new things. Our agency is revamping the website including using new software for loading files. All of the web people received various emails about attending training on the new software. I loathe training. I figured, I can muddle through without the training. I don't need no stinking training. Now, we're supposed to attend training sessions to actually load material. I decide, I don't want to go to training, let me see if I can load without the training.

I can't figure out the frickin' software! Turns out, I'm not as smart as I thought I was. ACK! I placed a very sheepish call to the redesign coordinator begging for mercy. We'll see what she says.

Not only can I not figure out the software, I'm getting an error when using it so I can't even play with it.

The weekend was pretty good. Except for last night. Ugh. Both kids up and crying!!! Hannah wound up in our bed, twice. Evan wanted to play at 2 am. They are SO lucky they're cute. Micah said tonight we should give them both a nip of whiskey. Regardless, everyone under the age of 18 goes to bed at 7 tonight. No exceptions!

My friend Jen in South Carolina is now 3 days overdue with her first baby. Overdue is just ridiculous. That's a 3 day old baby in there! Her doc said that as long as she felt fine and was measuring on target, she'd let her go 2 weeks. Two weeks! I would have gone on a killing spree if I'd had to go 2 weeks over with Evan. You couldn't have paid me. Well, you would have had to because I would have had to buy more pants.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Gold's and along the way

I was driving up the lane in the parking lot at the gym last night and I saw a car out of the corner of my eye. Imagine a clock, I'm coming up from 6, here comes a car from 8, paying no attention to me. Yes, hello, pay no attention to the silver SUV who has the right of way. Then, after barreling through the parking lot, she parks illegally on some yellow lines and hurries into the nail salon next door. Oh, sorry, you were late for a nail appt. My bad.

I get the biggest kick out of people watching. I get to do a lot of that at the gym. Some of the people crack me up. There's a pair of guys that I always see there together. Always. They work out together, leave together...always together. The one guy is kind of tall, on the skinny side, not very buff. Someone should tell him that. He holds his arms out to his side like he's Hulk Hogan. You know what I mean. That "bow-armed" walk that muscle bound guys have. When their biceps are so big, they brush against their ribs. Clearly not the case here. I nearly laughed myself off the elliptical last night watching him strut around.

On the way out of the parking lot, there's an intersection with 2 stop signs. The in and out of the lot has no stops. I'm driving out and a car pulls out in front of me from the right. After he pulls out, he decides, oh, maybe I should have stopped. Uh, ya think? ATTENTION EVERYONE: IF I'M ON THE ROAD, STAY OFF. I CAN'T TAKE YOU PEOPLE ANYMORE.

We won $8 at Keno today. Impressive, huh? No fries today, although someone did mention there were fries left last week. I said, yeah, a lot of fries, and I was there.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's not supposed to be raining

Am I having the weirdest week or what? Well, not really but my commutes have been interesting.

On the way home yesterday, there's a truck behind me. Like a work truck, with the extra compartments on the back. I look in my mirror and some of the cars behind him start swerving onto the shoulder to avoid something in the road. I'm thinking, I was just there, I didn't see anything. Did I hit it? Did I run over something? Oh my God, did it fall off MY car? I turn down the radio so I can listen for weird noises. I hear a horn beep and see the truck behind me side by side with another truck. Then the truck behind me pulls to the shoulder. Ah, something fell off the truck. Whew. Up goes the radio.

My ILs came over yesterday. Man they're weird. They're heavy smokers so they bring this nicotine cloud with them. [cough, cough] If they're coming over, I always make sure my Yankee Candles are lit because they will leave their stink in my house. My MIL wears dentures that don't fit well so she sucks them. About every 5 seconds. My friend Tina knew who was coming up behind her once because of the sound. She said it was like Jaws. Their grammar is awful. I cringe whenever they say "I seen" or "ain't". My MIL hasn't been to the doctor in almost 32 years, since Micah was born. No mammo, no pap smear - nothing. She's got a spot on her face that could very well be skin cancer. She just puts makeup on it.

All in all, the visit wasn't bad. They brought little presents for the kids and the kids seemed to enjoy their presence. I had trouble staying awake.

I move cubicles on July 29, a week later than originally planned. The only bad thing about that is my friend Terri is retiring on July 22. When I come to work on July 25, her absence will be staring me in the face. I was hoping to avoid seeing her empty cubicle.

Hannah asked me if it was going to rain today. I told her no. I guess I'll be in trouble when I get home.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

In the wee hours

Miss Hannah got a haircut last night...oh, excuse me, a trim. Poor thing had split ends. Been a year since her last cut. I guess I'll have to be more vigilant about that.

During my commute this morning, I passed a traffic stop where a young girl was standing by the median, handcuffed. D'oh! I wonder what she was up to at 6:00 am to get herself handcuffed.

Yes, I said 6 am. On the days when Micah goes to work later or has off, I leave for work at 6 am, arriving at 6:30. Before the kids were born, I did this everyday. Now, I usually get in around 8 after dropping them off. The beauty of getting to work at 6:30 is that I get off at 3:00, therefore beating most of the traffic. Baltimore rates high in bad rush hour traffic. We're so proud.

On the homefront, there have been no more rat or termite sitings, although we remain ever vigilant. I'm always peeking out the window towards the shed and I don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Bumper to bumper

No coworker drama today. Rats. Who needs soaps when I've got them?

I managed to get all the laundry put away last night. Woohoo. That is one of the hardest tasks for me to accomplish. I'm great at getting it all washed but putting it away takes forever. Sometimes I don't get it put away until it's almost time to wash it again.

This morning on the Beltway (our local "freeway") I was behind this guy who, in heavy, slow traffic, was keeping a huge distance between him and the car in front of him. I mean, here we are going at max 30 mph and he's got like a football field in front of him. In heavy traffic like that, it's no holds barred. I'm right on him, mentally urging him forward. He's tapping his brakes constantly. I'm like, dude, move. I can't get around because everyone else is going so much faster and of course, I have no space (HAHA). Finally he waves his hand at me, like backoff. To where? Get a move on! Finally I can pass. As I pass, he lays on his horn at me. I wave my hand like whatever. LOL! It was a Lincoln Towncar so he was probably 80 and shouldn't be driving anyway. I hope I see him again. :) Seriously though, in reviewing it, I was never dangerously close, except when he'd jammed on his brakes in an attempt to get me to back off.

Someone's on a conference call, loudly. HEY!!! Close your office door. Geez. Hate that. Who has conference calls at lunchtime, anyway?

I stepped on a tube of Desitin last night. I ended up with Desitin all over my hands, the rug, the tube itself. Did you know that Desitin doesn't easily wash off? Hmmm. I guess that's the whole point.

The conference call door is now closed.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Movin' on up....

On down, actually. Just my desk. I'm supposed to move on July 22. Supposedly, in my new area, they were fighting over me. I feel so loved. I'll be working with the same folks, doing the same thing, just sitting in a different place. It's kind of exciting.

I'm listening to a coworkers relationship drama right now, so it's hard to concentrate. Psst - if you don't want me to listen, don't have the conversations at work!

We went to a party at the big boss's house on Saturday. Big house. Huge. Goes on forever. The really cool thing was, he (and his wife) had food and drinks just for the kids. I thought that was so neat. He was cuddling with Evan at one point and his daughter said, as you can see, my dad really wants grandchildren. LOL

I stopped at the grocery store with Mom and the kids on Friday. We went through the self-checkout. Hannah helped scan the items. My mom laughed and said, "I avoid these because I don't know how to use them and here's my 4yr old granddaughter doing it." LOL!

Before we got the kids, Mom and I did a little shopping and bought matching capri pants. We'll have to coordinate our outfits when we go on vacation.

At lunch on Friday, we won $12 at Keno. Wow. And there were lots of fries left.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Early blogger gets the worm

I'm not that early and Lord knows I don't want a worm.

Going well with the antibiotics, so far. And no more scratching on the carpet - thank you for that lovely visual Christina.

My staff here at work just joined forces with another staff, creating one big staff. Some of us had never worked together before, so we decided to go out yesterday afternoon and hang out, celebrate, and get to know one another. We played a game where someone wrote the name of a famous person on a post-it, and put it on another player's back. The person with the post-it had to then ask other people questions about the person they "were". I gave Ashley Judd. What did I get? Ghengis Kahn. I had 3 people go, I don't know who that is. There was no way in hell I was ever going to figure that out. Micah, of course, knew immediately who that was. "Oh, the Mongol warlord." Never there when I need him. [wink]

Here's something I keep forgetting to blog about: The clock in my car has been fast for a while. Not intentionally. In fact, I even set it back once to have it go forward again. Whatever. I just did the math everytime I looked at the clock. It worked for me. So, last Wednesday, Micah takes it for a checkup. Thursday, when I was walking into work, I looked at my watch and thought, how'd it get to be 10 after 8 already? Hmm, weird. Friday, I'm on my way home and I look at the clock in the car and it says 2:58. I do my math - 2:50. How is that possible? That's what time I left. I look at my watch - 3:00. I look at my phone - 3:00. Gasp! They changed my clock. No, they didn't! Micah changed my clock! I immediately call him. "You changed my clock!" Evil laugh on the other end of the line. Punk. Now I have to get used to NOT doing the math.

Committee lunch today. Can't wait. Maybe I'll eat everyone's lunch for them. Make me feel like the Tazmanian Devil.....

We're getting rained on today with the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy. It's funny because my good friend is Cindy. Whirls in, makes a mess, and whirls out. That's Cindy.

Hannah's supposed to be having Sprinkler Day today. Not in the rain. Micah said it was an issue this morning. I'm glad I was at work and it wasn't MY issue. I'm sure I'll hear about it later though.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Who took my thoughts?

When I dropped Evan off this morning, Hannah said, Evan, don't hit anybody today, OK? LOL She's such the little mother. He adores her though. So far.

I mentioned my poison ivy (or flesh eating virus, or whatever). I have some on my knee. Over the weekend, I was kneeling on a rug, putting laundry away. My knee itched and I rubbed it on the carpet. It felt SO good. I now have rug burn on that knee in addition to the fungus. Going to the gym last night, I decided that to avoid looking like a leper, I'd wear capri gym pants instead of shorts.

When I have an idea to blog about, I should really write it down. So that when I sit down to blog, I remember what it was I wanted to blog about. When did I become my mother? I never used to have to write notes to myself. Now I have to write everything down or I will forget.

I've tried to ignore it, but I can't anymore. I have a sinus infection. I'll be going to urgent care tonight for some drugs. I was hoping it would go away on its own. I loathe antibiotics. I don't feel too bad, luckily, just some pain and pressure in the face.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oooooh, aaaaahhhhh

What a good weekend! Not too busy, not too boring - just right.

Friday my Mom and I picked up the kids and hit the mall for a bit. I got them some clothes at JCPenney's - good sales - and Hannah got some new flip-flops at Payless. My little Immelda. She was showing us her perfect "fip fops" and she fell. Right there in Payless. My mom had to sit down and I almost wet myself. She's so graceful.

Saturday I did laundry and cleaned out more in the basement. I found more stuff to sell at the Flea Market and just did a little reorganizing. How I managed to do this with 2 kids running around, I'll never know.

When Micah got home, we went to Best Buy where I bought a memory card for the digi. 256 MB. I think that should be enough. ;) After going out to eat, I went home and did some weeding. Micah's got some poison ivy (or whatever) too and I was hoping to rid the yard of it. I have no idea if I found it or got rid of it but I did cut down some very big weeds that had been bugging me. And what did I discover in this process? We have a rat(s) living in our yard. First termites, now a rat. I feel like a hoochie living in the ghetto!!

The ground between the neighbor's fence and our shed felt really squishy. I thought, hmm, someone's been digging here. Please let it be something cute, please let it be something cute. Everytime I went back there, I looked. Finally, I heard a noise, looked and saw him scurrying under the fence. I screamed, of course, and ran out of there.

On Sunday, I hung out with the children and tried hard not to clean up after them because we all know that's pointless. When Micah got home, we went to Home Depot for rat traps and poison, out to eat, and to the grocery store.

When Micah got home from work on Monday, (Yes, he had to work. Grocery stores are still open.) he dragged the hose over to the shed and flooded the rat hole. The termite obsession has been replaced by the rat obsession. He said he'd burn down the shed if he had to. I believe him. Once the rat hole was flooded, we went to my Mom's. My stepbrother and family were there too. My stepfather managed to get a hold of some steamed crabs (he's a crab junkie) which is an amazing feat on the 4th. We were eating them (Evan was napping and Hannah was all up inside Barney) and Dave (stepbro) said something about me being on my 3rd Diet Coke. Micah said, is that like the fries? I laughed and said, I don't care if someone notices how much Diet Coke I drink!

We left Mom's to head home and then to the fireworks. The fireworks are held at what will be our elementary school, probably 1/2 mile away. Ever since we've lived there, we walk. So much easier. We loaded up the double stroller and headed out.

Evan loved the fireworks! He was mesmerized. Hannah was OK once she got her ear protection headphones on. After the fireworks, we fought the crowd out to the main drag. It was a parking lot! No one was going anywhere. It's really funny to just walk right past everyone sitting in their cars.

I let the kids sleep in this morning and came into work late.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Oh yeah...

Today we forgot to order fries. Someone asked where the fries were. Totally straight-faced, I said, I ate them.

Take that.

There is a place, a place in hell

Hey christina, my arm still itches! LOL Now I have spots on my leg too. WTH? Maybe it's a flesh-eating virus.

Apparently, at the Committee lunch last week that I missed, there were some leftover fries. Someone mentioned it was because I was not there. Haha, so funny. I'll admit it. I like to eat. I LOVE to eat. Food is good. But it hurts my feelings that someone noticed. Maybe if I was thinner, it wouldn't bother me so much. End pity party.

This weekend looks gorgeous! Don't have much on the agenda, but I'm sure I'll find something. I'm looking forward to kicking back with Micah and the kids and enjoying myself. I do need to track down a memory card for my digi. There's another field trip this week and I'd like Micah to be able to take unlimited pictures. I'll need the card for vacation anyway since I'll be sans computer to upload to.

[GASP!] 2 weeks without my computer! I don't know if I'll make it. I should have thought of that when I suggested taking a 2 week vacation. I wonder if we can get our $$ back. ;)

Months ago, I had bought Hannah wooden letters for her room. I was going to paint them and hang them on the wall from ribbons. I finally hung them last night. She wondered why the ribbons were yellow since her favorite color is pink. Ungrateful little *****.

Today's title is from a song by the Smiths. I'm not sure of the title of the song though. There is a place in hell for me and my friends. I know it.

Hi Bill.