Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lost and found

During one of our many Home Depot/Lowe's trips the week we moved into the house, we bought 2 shower curtain rods. The existing rods are metal and closing the shower curtain makes an awful noise.

It took us a few days to realize, hey, where are the shower curtain rods. Since it was such a minor detail, we would wonder and move on. As time passed and we got more settled, we realized we weren't finding the rods. Not in the basement, not in the garage, not in the car. Where the heck are they?!?!

Finally we concluded that they'd been left in the cart. Bought and abandoned.

I was getting the stroller out of the trunk of my car yesterday for our trip to the aquarium. I grabbed my cargo cover to pull it across the opening. Hark! There are the shower curtain rods! For nearly 2 months, I'd been driving around with them laying on the top of my cargo cover.

I pulled them out and showed Micah. He cracked up. At least that mystery has been solved. The rods are now in the upstairs hallway, waiting to be installed.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Noisy Siding and Food Bullies

Did you know that on a windy day, vinyl siding will creak? I had no idea. I've lived in an asbestos shingled house, a townhouse, a condo, back to the townhouse, apartment, and then a stucco house, so this is my first experience with vinyl siding. Noisy. Not to mention the house is on a hill, with virtually no trees, so we're hit with wind pretty hard. I think I'm getting used to it. Judging by the snoring, I'd say Micah's there already.

We went to my ILs for dinner yesterday. The food was great, I'll give them that, but they are food bullies. They won't rest until you consume something. The table was full of food: pot roast, potatoes, carrotts, green beans, 2 kinds of bread... you get my drift. They still pointed out everything on the table. And if you didn't have one of everything on your plate, they nagged. Then they kept mentioning that there was more of X or Y in the kitchen. Good Lord! Evan didn't want to eat. I don't care. The kid weighs 27 lbs, he's not wasting away. That really sent them spinning. And my MIL, who will put food away before everyone's actually finished, was getting mental by leaving his plate out for him. Food bullies!!!

It's always quite an experience there. Micah kept dozing off. I started throwing things at him to wake him up. Don't fall asleep and leave me alone with your family, buddy! I told him it was tacky to fall asleep at someone else's house, because, well, it is. Unless you're >2 or <80, it's tacky! My MIL disagreed. WTFever. It's tacky! I realize he couldn't help it. He'd been working 10+ hr days since Thursday and his parents do tend to suck the life out of people.

Then you've got the smoke. Ick, ack, choke. Ok, I'm an ex-smoker so I'm not perfect, and I do still partake on occasion. But not in my house and not around my kids. Every inch of us smelled when we got home. I had to put the kids' coats in the dryer. My ILs are completely oblivious to all of this, except to place nasty air fresheners circa 1975 around the house, along with "air sanitizers". Hey guys, guess what? NOT WORKING. They also think that since they're not smoking in the same room as the kids, it's OK. Yeah, sure. Smoke has never been known to drift on the breeze.

Micah complimented me for "hammering" out the laundry. Thanks, babe. I try. I hate putting laundry away on Wednesday or Thursday, only to sort again on Friday. I think my Maytags are helping me out too. These machines are so efficient. With my Whirlpool, or whatever the hell it was, I'd have a backlog of things waiting to be dried. Now I go down to pull a load out of the washer and the dryer's done.

They're calling for 70 degrees at the end of the week. I should paint my toenails.