Thursday, October 27, 2005

The day from heck

First of all, this is the second time I typed this sucker. Yesterday was the say from heck. Not hell, it wasn't quite that bad.

While getting dressed in the morning, I cut my thumb with my toenail while putting on my tights. Gross, I know. Needless to say, I cut my toenails last night. Then I realize that my sweater doesn't look right with my skirt and I have a run in my tights. New outfit.

I stop at the gym after work, calling Micah when I leave so he can order a pizza for dinner. While picking up the kids, I lock my keys in the car. Let me clarify - I locked the keys in Micah's car. My car was getting an oil change. I wouldn't have locked my keys in my car. I couldn't have. I got back into daycare to call Micah to rescue us. When I call, he tells me that he just ordered the pizza, I'll have to wait. I suggested that he call Domino's and ask them to hold the delivery.
"I don't think they can do that," he says.
"Can you call and find out?"
"I don't think they can."
"Can you just find out?"
"I don't think they'll do it."
Grrrr. I'm in the daycare center with my two little ones and I really, really want to use bad words. I growled instead. Then he says that the pizza's there and he's on his way. When I hung up, I realized that he'd have to walk up and get my car first. Ok, just a few extra minutes. Then he calls me back to tell me that he has to walk up and get my car. JUST GO GET THE CAR AND COME GET ME!!!!!!! Holy moly. I'm sweaty, I'm hungry and I just want to go home. Instead I sit and watch Thomas with the kids while we wait.

When we get home, we wolfed down some pizza before dance class. I ate way too much pizza. Pretty good though.

I've had 2 training classes this week, the day from heck, and a java error on my computer. I'm ready for Friday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What a beautiful day

It's really not. We're getting the remnants of Wilma and it's windy and rainy and icky. But, I've been at work for less than an hour and I've already seen the 2 guys that are, in my opinion, the most attractive guys here. Hubba hubba [don't worry, Micah, I only look]

This past weekend was fun. We threw a surprise 60th birthday party for my stepdad. He had no idea. My stepsister even flew in from Arkansas. Hannah and I were at my stepbrother's during the day, helping decorate for the party. Friday night I'd scanned a whole mess of pictures of him and we put captions on them and put them up all over the house.

While Micah and I were at the party, the kids were with Cindy and Tina and Cin's daughter Meghann. Hannah calls Meghann by her first and last names. It's really funny.

I had all the laundry finished by Sunday morning. It's still not all put away though. The kids' stuff is put away and some of ours is. I actually worked on our stuff this morning.

Remember the redesign of the agency website that I was stressing about a few months ago? Pushed back. Again. December 14 is the new go live date. I'm ready now. Hurry up and wait.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Hall of Fame

I am so full right now. The Committee took Steve to lunch today to celebrate his induction into the Frostburg State University Hall of Fame this coming weekend. We're so proud.

While Hannah was at dance last night, I zipped over to Target and the library and managed to make it back in time. I've never been in and out of Target so fast. I itched to browse even though I knew my mission was to get cat food, OxiClean, a compact, and baby wipes.

Here it is Thursday and I still have 3 baskets of laundry to put away. I have a good excuse this time though. The laundry wasn't officially finished until yesterday. I was away over the weekend so the laundry didn't get started until I got back, with the exception of sheets & towels. I did manage to get Evan's laundry put away last night. The others have to be done today because I need the baskets to start laundry again tomorrow. A woman's work is never done.

The in-laws are coming today. Oh joy. I reminded Micah this morning and he yelled at me. LOL I guess I ruined his day. I figured better I remind him now than he remembers when they show up an hour early. Of course, they didn't give us a time, FIL just said "evening". Last time, they got there before I got home from work and were suprised that we hadn't had dinner. Micah said, well, she's not even home yet. What the hell time do they eat dinner?

They used to really annoy me with their comments, etc. Now I just find it amusing. What else can you do but laugh?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Life is Good

That's the message on the t-shirt I got today when I donated blood. Yes, I am a proud blood donor. I used to be afraid of needles, now I donate blood. The best thing about donating blood? The Famous Amos cookies you get afterwards.

Since I donated today, that means I can't workout tonight. Bummer. I have been SO lazy lately. I wasn't feeling well most of last week, went away this past weekend and have been a bum this week. I'll get back into it, eventually. With my GI troubles, I feel like my body needs all I can give it anyway.

We ordered pizza last night for dinner. That was fun. Love pizza. And then I skipped the gym and hung out with my hubby. We got Parenthood OnDemand and we both fell asleep. Couple of wild and crazy kids, I tell ya.

My dad, the emergency response chemical guy, had to check the acidic runoff from a mine yesterday. The entrance to the mine was 1000 ft up. The woman from the EPA asked him if he would be able to make it since he's "getting up there". He told her he'd beat her up there. He did. He was not going to let her beat him. Once up there, he had to pretend that he wasn't panting and about to die. I told him machismo wins every time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today is our 8th anniverary. 8 years married, 15 years together. And unless Micah is making something exciting for dinner, it will be a Tuesday like any other. [hint, hint]

I sent him a text message this morning wishing him a happy 8th. He replied with a message with a rose in it. How sweet!

There was a "terror scare" at our tunnels today. There are 2 tunnels that take traffic through the city and beneath the harbor. Apparently there was a credible threat and both tunnels were closed for 2 hours. They're open now but I think I'll go home a different way.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm back!

We had a blast. Friday we all met up, loaded up and headed out. Stopped at Denny's on the way to eat. Once we were settled in the place, we went shopping. To the outlets first and the 15 items for $5 deal at the costume jewelry outlet. Off to the boardwalk next for another jewelry store and a bucket of fries. We hit the grocery store for snacks on our way back. Karen and Julie went in and we moved the van. It was a buzzkill when they walked out of the store and found us immediately.

Friday night I went out to dinner but skipped the bar. My tummy was upset again. We think it was from the vinegar on the fries. But it was so good...

Saturday we got up and loafed around for a while before heading off to more outlets. I made a killing at the Disney outlet. 4 pairs of pajamas and 2 t-shirts for $43. When we were all shopped out, we headed back to the place and snacked for a bit in front of the TV. Then we got cleaned up and headed out to dinner and the bar. We went to a restaurant that we'd visited during our April trip. On that trip, we'd harrassed the manager when they ran out of potatoes. He was working the desk when we walked in on Saturday. He saw us and said, Oh my God. LOL

Sunday morning we loafed around again before packing up and heading out. When I got back to my friend Tina's house, where I'd left my car, this is what I found:

We knew they'd be working on the sidewalk but we didn't expect that. I had to drive across 3 lawns to get to the street.

The kids missed me and I have tons of laundry to catch up on but all is well.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Tomorrow morning I leave for the beach with the girls. I hope I feel better than I do right now. I stayed home yesterday with an upset stomach. It's feeling a little better today, but not a whole lot. I'll be stopping at Walgreen's this afternoon for some drugs.

Other than the pain in my GI tract, it was nice to lay in bed yesterday. Thank goodness for digital cable! I got One of the Guys from OnDemand and promptly fell asleep. Luckily it was free and I can watch it again.

One good thing about having stomach issues this weekend: it'll keep me from eating too much.

I'm going to miss the little ones. I know Evan will be asking for me, and that makes me a little sad. It'll be fun to see him when I get home though. I will, of course, bring home presents.

Since Cindy, Bill, and I will be out tomorrow, the Committee had lunch today. We went to our old regular place, Bennigan's. I love their Turkey O'Toole. Let's just hope that today, it loves me back.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

3 at a time

My 3 day weekend is over and my 3 day workweek begins.

It rained all of Friday night and all day Saturday. And I mean rained. We had been invited to a birthday party on Saturday that I knew was intended to be outside. I called early in the afternoon to see if it was still on. It was. The kids had a blast. Hannah ran around with other little girls, playing dress-up etc. And Evan just enjoyed his little self as usual.

Sunday the cable men came back to figure out why our On Demand wasn't working. It's finally working. How cool is On Demand? You can watch just about anything you want, whenever you want. The kids got to watch SpongeBob, Sesame Street, Jay-Jay and Barney on demand!

Monday I hung out with my mom. There's a new Kohl's in her area and since I don't have one nearby, that was our first stop. I got a couple of things for me and a Thanksgiving dress for Hannah. Then we went to a new shopping center and the movies. We saw In Her Shoes. Fabulous!

I'm actually excited about Thanksgiving this year. One stop. That's awesome. I haven't done that in 10 yrs or more. I can't believe we didn't break sooner. We can relax at home and watch the parades, then get dressed and head on out. When we're finished, we can pack up and head HOME. Aaaahhhh. Now, we just have to break the news to the in-laws. They are NOT going to be pleased. My mother wasn't pleased either but she's taking it well, I think because she gets us first.

I had the itchies again this morning. So bizarre. It happened Friday, Monday and today, but not Saturday or Sunday. The only difference was the timing of my showers. Saturday and Sunday were afternoon showers and the others were morning showers. I have a feeling it's something in my blood. Maybe a defficiency of some kind. I don't think it has anything to do with my skin itself because it's only my legs. This morning I almost felt the itching travel to my ankles. If it goes on much longer, I will be calling the doctor. It had me so worked up this morning, I was getting irritated with the kids.

Friday morning I leave for my girl weekend. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up Thursday night. I'm so tired, I think I could sleep that long.

Friday, October 07, 2005

And then the rains came

Boy is it raining today! I was wearing sandals because I'm just not ready for socks and my shoes and feet got soaked at lunch. Luckily, I had my tenners here so now my feet are warm and dry.

We had a blast at lunch today. We didn't win a dime at Keno but we had fun. ML pointed out that the sound of the condiment caddy scraping across the tape made her crazy. Well, that was all the boys needed. They scraped and scraped and scraped! Then someone scraped their fork on their plate and, well, you can probably guess what happened then.

I had the itchies this morning. For some reason, after my shower, my legs itched SO bad. I mean bad. I thought I would lose my mind. Once I got in the car, they seemed to settle down and it wasn't so bad.

I normally run errands on Friday after work but in this rain, I think I'll just get the kids and park our butts at home.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's pink, ain't it?

I spoke too soon on the traffic thing. Fairly bad traffic this morning. Not awful but SLLLOOOOOOWWWWW. Not fun for me lurching around in my 5spd.

Evan had a checkup yesterday. Poor little guy needed 3 shots. Hannah insisted on tagging along. It was so cute, the doc addressed all her questions about Evan to Hannah. Luckily Hannah had all the right answers.

The ILs are coming over today. I reminded Micah and he was like, thanks, thanks a lot! I liked it here in denial. LOL I said, you need to come back to reality.

We've got two big oak trees behind our house. One is ours and the other is the neighbor's. Both of the trees hang over our fiberglass carport. The sound of an acorn landing on a fiberglass carport is enough to knock you right out of your shoes! It's like a gunshot. I will be SO glad when they've all fallen. One year, they never came. What was that about?

Yesterday I had left clothes out for Hannah since her father can't put an outfit together. It was a pink shirt and plaid shorts. Apparently, the shorts weren't up to 4yr old standards so Daddy picked out another pair of shorts. When I talked to him, I asked him which shorts. He said, I don't know, pink ones. I said, which pink ones? Does it match? He said, It's pink, ain't it? He fails to understand that pink is not always pink. I have several pink shirts in my closet and none of them are the same shade.

7 days until the girl weekend.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I've lost that bloggin' feelin'...

When I first started blogging, I couldn't wait to blog everyday. Now, as you can see, I haven't blogged in over a week. I'll try to do better. My blog is a great place to let all these weird thoughts out of my head.

Remember my laundry track record? Over. It took me until last night to put it all away. Tuesday's not too bad. Better than Thursday. My goal this week is Sunday.

I couldn't sleep last night. We just got digital table with movie channels so Micah was watching Along Came Polly. I finally put my book down and figured I'd close my eyes. Nothing. I think I dozed off around 11:00 but woke up again around 11:15. The whole time I'm thinking, I have to get up at 4:45, which makes it worse. Then I really couldn't sleep.

I'm still trudging away at my weightloss routine but I don't feel like I've made much progress. I've lost the vacation weight but I feel stuck. I'll have to step it up. [Anyone else hear the Rocky theme?]

I entertained The Committee last Friday by proving to a Doubting Thomas, well actually, a Doubting Rick, that I can indeed put my fist in my mouth. Impressive, huh?

In about 9 days I'll be spending a girls' weekend at the beach. No husbands, no kids - just 6 crazy women. I can't wait! We have such a good time. And no one gets on anyone's nerves which is a feat for women. Usually someone gets on someone else's nerves. Not us. We all just roll with the punches. We've got a place to stay and a designated driver for the weekend so we're all set. My boss said to me, you just came back from the beach. I said, that was with the family. This is entirely different.

Originally, Micah didn't think he would be able to take off on Saturday so I had it all worked out that my mom would get the kids on Friday evening and keep them until Micah got home on Sat. I felt a little bad about that. Shuffling my kids around so I could get away for a weekend. Not bad enough to cancel my plans though. Now it turns out that Micah CAN get off Saturday. My mom is still going to pick the kids up for a bit. She's used to seeing them every week so she'll need her fix. And that way Micah gets a break.

Traffic hasn't been too bad lately. Which is a good thing. Always a good thing.