Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hit and run, in more ways than one

The store where Micah works is being remodeled. In addition to the regular employees, enter the remodeling crews. Apparently, the female employees find these new faces irresistible. Micah told me that there are several love affairs going on. On Monday, Micah saw one of these couples head sneakily into a back room. She by a direct route, and he, a few moments later, by a more stealth route. My devious husband creapt up to the door and locked it from the outside. He then moved some shelving in front of the door. He went back about his business. A few minutes later, he went back and threw a large roll of labels at the door. I told him he should take the camera to work and walk in the room the next time it happens.

Yesterday, I happened to see my friend Cindy on the way home. As I passed her, after riding next to her unnoticed, I saw her mouth, "where are you going?" I grabbed my phone and called her. We were on the phone together, in a convoy in the middle lane, when the left lane suddenly braked hard. Right outside my window, I saw a car get rear-ended. I said, Oh! You see that? Cindy said, Uh-huh. OH! He took off! The hitter did not stop. He gunned it around the car he hit and took off. The hittee stopped his/her car right there in the left lane. In my rearview mirror, I could see the smoke from brakes trying to stop to avoid another collision. Cin described the hitter's car and said, he just took that exit, and she recited the license #. I told her she needed to call it in to the police and gave her the speeddial code. Hopefully, when she called it in, they matched her call with the call from the hittee (I'm sure he/she called it in) and will track down the hitter. Well done, Cindy Lou!

The house is coming along quite nicely, although it still feels surreal. On my way home yesterday, I imagined coming home and in my mind, it was the old house. I quickly cleared that and when I pulled into the garage, the door to the house opened, and there was Hannah's happy little face.

Most rooms are complete, although we're still waiting for some furniture, including the entire dining room. Micah's off today and will be working on the basement. He's got most of it framed and maybe be starting sheetrock soon. He also put my treadmill back together and hooked up the TV for me. Now I have no excuses not to get my fat ass back in shape. Thanks honey!

Friday, February 17, 2006

The redeemed

Micah redeemed himself last night after getting me nothing for Valentine's day. I came home from work to find a sampler pack of candles and a dozen roses. That'll do.

He was excused on Wednesday because he had to drive to New Jersey with some bosses to check out another store. Tuesday, well, there's no excuse for Tuesday. Although he was working on finishing the basement so he does get points for that.

Hannah is going to a bowling birthday party tomorrow. 4 and 5 year olds bowling? This I gotta see.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Empty boxes

It's done. We moved. [enter sigh of relief here]

I can't believe it was just a month ago that we listed our old house and here we are, all moved in and decorated. Micah and I both had last week off which helped enormously. We both go back to work tomorrow. I just don't want to leave this house for 8+ hours.

Friday, moving day, dawned rainy and cloudy but shortly before the truck was due to arrive, the rain stopped and the sun broke through. Yippee. Then the truck shows up later than we expected and much smaller than expected. We say to the movers, truck's pretty small. The one mover says, we'll make a few trips. Um, not a huge problem since we only moved 1.8 miles but we had no access to the new house until after settlement at 4:00. After a few panicked phone calls to the realtor and the moving consultant (an old friend of my stepdad), we were able to get into the garage of the new house and another truck was on the way.

My mom stayed behind with the movers while Micah and I went to settlement. That was a breeze. With the selling settlement at 3:00 and the buying settlement at 4:00, Micah and I were technically homeless for about a half hour.

We met the trucks at the new house after settlement and started unloading. We had them take the big items to the appropriate rooms and leave everything else in the garage. The kids went home with my mom since their beds were nowhere near being setup.

Saturday morning, our army showed up. MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, my mom (w/kids in tow). FIL brought breakfast. My friends Cindy and Tina showed up a little later to take the kids off our hands. It's amazing what we managed to get done.

On Sunday, we went shopping. I've never spent so much $$ in one day in my life. Furniture, ceiling fan, groceries, storage items, it goes on and on. We even got a call from Citi's fraud hotline. Guess they thought our card had been stolen. Micah's already paid it off from our profit check from the old house.

The old house. I thought I'd miss the old girl. I don't. The new house is way better. She's in good hands now.