It took me an hour and 45 minutes to get home from work yesterday. Here's some background on the freeway system here. There's a road called the Beltway that circles the city. Going through the city, is Interstate 95. From work, I can really go three ways: 95 through the city, the Beltway through Towson, or the Beltway over the Key Bridge. I usually take 95 because the Beltway hoses up through Towson just about everyday.
So yesterday, I get on 95 and almost immediately stop. I crawl for a while and then hear the traffic report. There's an overturned vehicle several miles up blocking the entire right side. Great. It's already 5:00 and I'm nowhere near the accident. I'm not really familiar with the city so I know of no way home other than right where I am. I see the sign for the next exit and I think, Hey, that crosses the Beltway, right? I call my dad. He's my go-to guy, he knows everything. He says, yes, that will cross the Beltway. Get off there, and take the Key Bridge. As I'm on the ramp, I say to him, Do I want north or south? He says, You want north, honey. (with that little condescending lilt that he's so good at) As I'm sitting on the ramp, I'm thinking I don't want north, I want south. North doesn't make sense. I go south. Aha! I was right. In a few minutes, I'm on the Beltway heading for the bridge. I call my dad to tell him he was wrong but it's cool because I didn't listen anyway. He says that's why he told me north, because he knew I wouldn't listen.
I go over the bridge - smooth sailing - and when I get what would normally be 15 minutes from home, I stop again. There's construction and the road's divided. Then, it goes from 2 lanes to 1. So I sit some more. I'm not even sure how long I sat.
I finally got home at 6:15, retrieved my dinner from the frig and watched Toy Story 2 with the family.
I'm down 3 pounds now. Good thing. I was gonna hafta get mad if I wasn't. Yesterday I did 65 minutes of cardio. Over an hour! I'd better see some results from that.
Attention men: Combovers do not work. Bald is beautiful. If you're going bald, just go, don't fight it. While walking at lunchtime yesterday, I saw a guy with an
awful combover. Just awful. It wasn't really a combOVER but a combUP. He brought the hair up from the back. Dude, seriously. It was really sad. Thank God my bald men (Micah, Dad) just go with their baldness.